Insta360 Videos, Panoramas and Shots from Sebring, 2024
I picked up an Insta360 x3 camera – a cool little tool that shoots video of everything around it, as well as stills, bullet time videos, panoramas and more.
I have plans to fly this little camera in a rocket, but before I did that, I wanted to get acquainted with it, so I brought it with me to the 12 Hours of Sebring, 2024.
These are my first attempts with the camera, so don’t think I’m trying to be a pro. Just thought some of this stuff was interesting, and shows some of the capabilities and limitations of what it can do.
You learn a few things when experimenting with it.
The first: POV never goes away. You might think that with a camera that captures everything, you no longer have to choose a POV. In fact if anything, POV is more important, since you’re choosing what to reveal, what to hide, and on what you’ll place most importance.
The second: There’s no stage, and no set with a 360 camera. There’s no bank of lights, directors chairs etc. that you never get to see. And noplace to put down that beer or coffee before your shot. It’s all visible, unless you hide stuff behind other things in the scene.
The third: Set dressing is futile. There’s so crazy much stuff in the world that unless you’re building a world for yourself (on a soundstage, for example), you’re not going to be able to get all the magazines just so, and fluff up all the flowers and make sure the dining room table is set correctly, and that the props are all laid out like yesterday – it’s simply too complex to dress everything in the world. You’re gonna have to take the place as it is. In compensation, try and find an interesting place to shoot. Sebring’s grid is a great one!
Have a look at these if you’re interested…
#14 Vasser Sullivan Lexus GTD Pro (panorama)
GT-Rex stalks the grid